Welcome to Arkansas Energy Rocks! This site is part of an educational outreach program to introduce classrooms across the state to the oil and natural gas production community.

The Arkansas Energy Rocks Education Outreach Program was created to bring the oil and natural gas industry to classrooms across the state. This program provides curricula and programs to reach students from elementary school through high school.
This vital industry is committed to education in Arkansas. Providing free training, educational workshops and in-class presentations, Arkansas Energy Rocks seeks to help Arkansas teachers introduce their students to the operations of this industry through engaging lesson plans, activities and experiments. The site goes through many subjects that are involved in exploring for, producing and distributing oil and natural gas and the products made from them that we use in our everyday lives.
From safety at drilling sites, to seismic activity and energy conservation – Arkansas Energy Rocks will give teachers the tools they need to teach students about the oil and natural gas industry.

Welcome to Arkansas Energy Rocks! We want to provide you and all Arkansas students with all of the information, fun facts, experiments and resources for further study that you need.
The oil and natural gas industry is committed to education and youth in Arkansas. Why? WE NEED YOU! Thousands of jobs will be available right here in Arkansas in the oil and natural gas industry over several of the next decades. We need Arkansas students to be prepared to take the high-paying jobs at every level – from the drill site to the corporate offices of successful companies operating in our state. These companies want to help educate, train and employ Arkansans just like you, so investing in what you learn now just makes good sense.
So explore! Arkansas Energy Rocks offers you an abundance of knowledge to absorb about the very active oil and natural gas industry in Arkansas!
Energy Facts